Monitoring Software

Off-Grid and Hybrid Systems (Victron Systems)

Your Victron installation can include on-site (local) and remote monitoring and data logging off-site.

This will also allow Ecoficiency to remotely monitor and do some configuration changes if required.


Local (on-site) monitoring - VictronConnect

Local (on-site) monitoring does not require any online registrations or internet connection.

Allows instant view of current system performance - consumption, solar production, battery status

  • This app can be installed on your computer, laptop, smart phone or tablet
  • Android Devices - GooglePlay Download  : VictronConnect
  • iOS Apple Devices - AppStore : VictronConnect
  • PC - Windows : VictronConnect
  • PC - Mac : VictronConnect
  • Note - For history and detailed system information - rather use Victron VRM (below)

        VictronConnect - User Guide : VictronConnect


Remote monitoring and analysis - Victron VRM Portal

Your system need to be connected to the internet to use these features.

Your installation will report to and send small data packets to the Victron Server at predefined intervals as configured by Ecoficiency.

This data can then be accessed using the Victron VRM Portal. The VRM Portal is located on the Victron internet servers and data viewed from the portal will come from the Victron server – not directly from your installation.

The portal will give you access to current system status including current (or last reported) solar production, load or power drawn from the solar system and other sources like grid or generator, and battery levels (state of charge).

You will be able to view full hourly detailed graphs on the above as well as history data. Very detailed history data by the minute will be stored for 6 months, and daily history for 5 years.

The VRM Portal does include various functions and data – please contact Ecoficiency if you are looking for specific data and are unable to find it on the portal.

Your system need to be registered on the Victron Portal to allow detail remote monitoring and history data collection

  • System registration on VRM will be done by Ecoficiency - you will receive an email on completion of your system - just follow the instructions to activate your account.
  • The VRM Portal can be accessed from your internet browser : Victron VRM Login
  • The app can be installed on your smart phone or tablet
  • Android Devices - GooglePlay Download  : VictronConnect
  • iOS Apple Devices - AppStore : VictronConnect

      VictronVRM - User Guide : Victron VRM